Thursday, April 13, 2006

Arrowhead Water on Demand

My fiancee and I live in a portion of the country where the city water is rather untasty. We use it for showering and cleaning dishes...and that is about it.

As you might imagine, it is very expensive and inconvenient to buy large quantities of bottled water. Fortunately, we signed up for a home water delivery from Arrowhead water, a division of Nestle.

Essentially, Arrowhead shows up at our residence with five-gallon containers of water (we get to specify the amount we need) and removes any empty containers.

We have been using the service for a year. Thus far they have yet to make any sort of mistake around the delivery date or quantity of water.

But that is not what sets Arrowhead apart. Arrowhead's support around the service is what makes their service one that other direct-to-consumer operations should learn from.

First, when you begin your home delivery from Arrowhead, they leave you with a smannualuarl calendar.

Someone at Nestle/Arrowhead clearly gave this calendar a lot of thought. Here is what the hand-sized calendar contains.

1.) Scheduled delivery dates for your water
2.) Your individual account number (for easy reference in case you forget)
3.) Customer service 800 number and website

Good but not great right? Well, that is just the front side. On the back side of the calendar they provide Tips for using VoiceService, Common Voice Commands and Tips for Using E-Service.

Included in these areas is a listing of general tips on how to quickly navigate through their voice system to get things done. Just about anything you would want to do concerning your water delivery is described. It is incredibly well-planned and simple.

But here is the kicker. For other items, it tells you what the key voice command is to get straight to a live representative. When was the last time you had a company spell out in writing exactly how to skip their voice response system to get a live agent?

However, the system is so simple and easy to use, my fiancee and I have never needed to speak with a live agent.

This in spite of the fact we are constantly rearranging our water delivery dates via their voice system. That's right, you can tell Arrowhead with one day's notice that you want to change your water delivery date.

At this point in time, Arrowhead water stands as the most impressive customer-centric company I have encountered thus far.

Congratulations Arrowhead, you have accomplished with expensive airlines, automobile manufacturers, consumer electronics manufactures etc....have not accomplished.

You have made me a happy and therefore loyal customer. For life. (if you keep up the good work)


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